Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dalbello Ski Boots What Size Are My Dalbello Ski Boots?

What size are my dalbello ski boots? - dalbello ski boots

I have a pair of ski boots Dalbello Krypton and I'm curious, how big are the sizes mondo. Where's the size? 296mm basically say, if it helps.


Chris M said...

The length varies from house to house to start. For comparison, each pair of 25.5 s' I (3 pairs) 300-302mm track shoe sole. Thanks, I think is 24/24.5? It could be completely off when, as in mens size 6/6.5 shoe size.

Joe H said...

I think they are a size 11.5 in U.S. sizes. On the basis of assumptions, my boots are a size of about 29.5 (296mm = 29.6 cm). only half the size is 29.5 cm long. 2.54 cm = 1 inch. So if you divide by 2.54 to 29.5 or about 11.5 cm preserved. This size is 11.5. Dalbello My boots are size 30 I wear a size 12 shoe. The above calculation is a rough estimate.

Jim W said...

Typical would be a sticker on it with a size of 29.5 a means .0 a full size. the same pump is used for both, and the thickness of the line that makes the difference. The sole length is only a suggestion on my Salomon 28 as 324mm. Yours could be approximately 26

NSOutWes... said...

The size of a long ski boot is measured inside the tank (in cm). I think you probably have a size 25-26, the system tends to slightly longer than the interior.

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